Pacchettelle Gialle Scheiben von Gelbe Tomaten Italianavera 550 gr

7,00 €

The Pacchettelle of Yellow Pomodorino Italianavera are named after the ancient preservation method used by Campanian housewives to store Vesuvio tomatoes during winter, as an alternative to the traditional binding in piennolo.

After harvest, the small tomatoes are sliced, placed in the glass jar, and then sterilized: this simple process helps to maintain the sweetness and delicacy of the fresh vegetable.

The Pacchettelle of Yellow Pomodorino are excellent raw on a slice of toasted bread or sautéed in a pan with fresh vegetables for light and flavorful side dishes. They are ideal for preparing sauces, salsas, and main courses with meat or fish.

Pacchetelle Gialle scheiben von Gelbe tomaten Italianavera 550 gr - ZUTATEN: Gelbe Tomaten - NÄHRWERTE (DURCHSCHNITT PRO 100 g): Energie 123 kj / 29 kcal - Fett 0,2 g davon: gesättigte Fettsäuren 0 g - Kohlenhydrate 4,2 g davon: Zucker 4,2 g - Ballaststoffe 1,8 g - Salz 0,08 g - An einem kühlen, trockenen Ort fern von Licht- und Wärmequellen aufbewahren.